Chris started gliding while at Hatfield Polytechnic in 1983 (solo at 18 after 26 launches and 5.5 hours in the air). He then continued to fly a variety of gliders eventually owning a share in a standard Libelle. Chris now has around 250 hours in gliders, has flown in a number of “club class” competitions and has flown gliders in Spain, France and Australia. In 1996, Chris gained his PPL whilst in Australia (where he lived for a year), flying C152, C172 and PA28 to various remote airfields, and, on returning home to the UK, converted this to a UK PPL and then flew a number of light aircraft including Chipmonk (glider towning), Beagle Pup and C152.
In 2012, he came to Microlighting at Kemble Flying club – loved flying the Eurostar, and became an instructor FI(R) in 2015. Then upgraded to FI in 2017. In 2018, Chris added a GR rating to his licence (ground examiner and revalidation ratings) and in 2022 qualified as an Examiner, FE. His total hours are now around 1600.
Chris loves all forms of flying and enjoys teaching both in the air and on the ground. Ambitions – spend more time flying & instructing! Working towards an FIC rating to instruct new instructors and learn more about aircraft maintenance.
When Chris isn’t flying, he works for IBM as a managing consultant.