Flight Information

When you arrive for your flight everything is really straightforward and we are sure you will enjoy every moment!  We will ask a few questions but most of the ‘formality’ can be dealt with beforehand. We are required to have certain information on file which is held under Data Protection law. We will already have your contact details but we must also add addresses for yourself and next of kin before flight if these details have not been taken already. If you are aware we are missing this information then please pop it on an email to us beforehand and that will save time on the day.

In the case of schools visits it is the responsibility of the School to maintain these records.

Flying activity at Kemble Flying Club (Kemble Flying Centre Ltd.) is undertaken in accordance with the Civil Aviation Authority national regulation, additional regulation and guidance from the British Microlight Aircraft Association and in accordance with Kemble Flying Club Rules. Your instructor/Club pilot will brief and assist you as necessary while you are with us and unfamiliar with all the Rules.

On arrival

Please report at reception. Other visitors are welcome in our picnic area and they can, with an instructor escort, enter the airside area in front of the hangar to see you and the aircraft before flight.

Checking details before flight

We will simply ask if you have read and understood this ‘Flight Information’ sheet.


Have you given full contact details, including next of kin, to us? If not do please pop them on an email to together with your name. We would love to know how you heard about Kemble Flying Club – do let us know. Schools Visits are exempt.


You are welcome to take photographs while on site or flying with us.

We ask your consent for any photographs or film that we might take while you are with us to be used by us on social media, or any other platform, to promote flying.


If you become a Student you must acquire your own headset. If you don’t have one yet, don’t panic! We can treat you like a visitor, but you will have to get your own headset asap. We recommend U.K. manufacturer SEHT and normally have stock, do ask for details.

For all visitors:

Guidance for arrival, including parking, at Kemble Flying Club is available here: In the interest of the safety of your vehicle PLEASE DO NOT PARK NEXT TO THE AIRSIDE GATE.

Please be aware that all flights are subject not just to the weather conditions but also the availability of the aircraft and instructors.  Aircraft availability can be affected because the aircraft is elsewhere or due to delays in maintenance, while instructors can fall ill.  For these reasons, or any other unforeseen eventuality in relation to an aircraft or an instructor, we can take no liability and would further emphasise it is good practice to contact the school prior to travelling for a flight in order to make a confirmation that we expect the flight to go ahead. Where an aircraft or an instructor is not available we will make every effort at the earliest opportunity to inform you and discuss, if possible, making a transfer to a different aircraft or instructor. Alternatively we will make a new booking.


Our hangar is located immediately adjacent to the airside of a licensed aerodrome and there are specific rules to observe, for pilots and visitors, when airside based on CAP 642 (CAA regulations).

 The airside area

In our picnic area outside the offices there is a metal fence with clear notices indicating the boundary between landside and airside.

 If you enter our hangar from the pilot lounge then the moment you step outside the main large hangar doors you would be airside. The most obvious dangers of being airside are from moving aircraft and in particular propellers, rotor blades and jet blast. Aircraft start engines and taxi to and from our hangar on the grass area.

Pilots, student pilots and passengers may enter for briefing etc.

All flyers must be escorted by a Club member or Instructor.

Any persons who needs to go airside must wear high visibility clothing, or, be accompanied by someone in high viz.

Visitors wishing to visit the AV8 restaurant must walk around outside the airside perimeter fence – or drive to the AV8 car park

Refuelling may only take place outside the hangar – on the concrete strip or with a drip tray

Mobile phones must be switched off before refuelling

Policy on young people flying is under review.  Children under 16 in the picnic area must be accompanied by a parent / carer at all times and must be responsibly supervised at all other times.

Dogs must be under control on a lead at all times landside and they are not permitted airside.




CONTROL TOWER ATC: 01285 771197

Note: The Fire assembly point is outside the Club Premises adjacent to the perimeter fence.