The flexwing P&M QuikR experience is a different ballgame!  Flying suit, crash helmet, gloves all supplied for this open cockpit adventure! For a first-time experience you will be secure in the rear seat. Handling the controls from the rear is not easy but if you were thinking of learning to fly then next time you would be in the front seat!

The QuikR is a Type Approved flexwing microlight produced by the UK’s leading flexwing manufacturer P and M Aviation. It is powered by the Rotax 912S 100hp version with dual stainless steel exhausts and oil cooler as standard equipment. Additionally MA has the Skydrive inlet manifold heater which eleminates carb icing and the thermostatis device that stabalises oil temperature.

The aircraft has navigation, strobe and landing light, the instrument panel includes an Air Speed Indicator (ASI), Altimeter, Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI) and a compass. It also has the latest MGL Enigma EFIS (Electronic Flight Instrument System) carb heat system like on our Eurostars which protects against carb icing without any input from the pilot.  We also have the ConAir Thermostatis which vastly reduces the warm up time of the engine (so less time spent on the ground) and it also stabilises oil temperature while the aircraft is in operation. Our QuikR is fitted with the 3 blade Warp Drive propeller. The topless QuikR is the fastest and most advanced weightshift microlight today with a whopping 100mph cruise speed.