21st Birthday Present Flight!

A lovely 21st birthday present from Nana and Grandpa for Bella Thomas from Bath who is studying architecture in London. Bella flew with instructor Lee Galliford in the Skyranger Nynja and said afterwards ‘I want to go again!’ Bella and Lee were ‘chased’ for a while by the CFI, dy, flying the C42

Bella with her family!

You Just Never Know!

The weather looked grim all day when Sophie Pincott from Kent did accept an evening flight and when it happened she was just amazed!   The 16th birthday present from her Grandparents, who live in Cirencester, just could not have been a better treat. The low cloud had lifted revealing incredible visibility and the sunshine breaking through cast patterns of sunlight and shadow across the Cotswold landscape as we chased clouds, white horses and the often elusive Pilot’s Glory.  Totally brilliant and she flew really well too!  dy

Dennis Ives Cloud Surfin'!

After flying well above the Highgrove Restricted Airspace (front picture) Dennis Ives had to endure dodging around some very low cloud to get to Chepstow to see his business from the air. We had great fun on the way home cloud surfing!

Great flying Dennis – well done, dy

School Children Visit Flying Club!

This week 22 Sapperton C of E Primary School children visited Kemble Flying Club to learn something more about flying which is in their curriculum. The visit included time with dy on everything from Ikarus and Elmer through the sheep, the duck and the cockerel on the first balloon flight in 1783, past the Wright brothers to hang gliding, paragliding and modern microlight flying. They also had a short slide show on flying in Nepal and Africa so were taken from the highest glacier in the World to the rainforest and the desert! Amy and Will from Cotswold Airport showed the children around Negus the Jumbo Jet which somehow included some Swiftie music and some dancing!  So, thank you to them and also to Jim and Roger from the Britannia Society who showed off their aircraft and allowed all the children in the cockpit. And, thanks to the children for their thank you card. 

DC-6 Flies through Mach loop!

In the end I just had to share this – remember the DC-6 that flew through the Mach Loop?  Well, dy was on board!!!

Check it out on Youtube, @DafyddPhillips ‘Flying Bulls DC-6 Flies through Mach Loop’

It was a huge pleasure as the Airfield Manager at Llanbedr hosting the Red Bulls team and their amazing aircraft for this historic moment.